November 3, 2020 @ 7:30 pm
Asia/Kolkata Timezone
INR ₹29,999 (inclusive of GST) | Euro €349 | US Dollar $399
Get trained by a native teacher Mme Elodie VINCENT, pedagogical engineer in language didactics and French teacher for foreigners with over 10 years of teaching experience.
About the Course
Prerequisite: This course is aimed at those who have completed B1.
Duration: 60 hours of video conference classes / twice a week / 3 hours per week.
Maximum size of each batch: 15 participants.
Competencies: Working on the 5 skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking and francophone culture following the CEFR program. Pedagogical material, class report/audio will be provided.
Objective: Participants will be able to:
- construct arguments to defend his/her opinion
- explain his/her viewpoint and negotiate
- have fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions
- be able to correct his/her own mistakes
Instruction Methodology: Through video conferencing services (Zoom).